Friday, December 10, 2010

School, Twitter, and Etsy

Too much stuff goin' on. If you saw my twitter from yesterday, here's the explanation (if you didn't, you should be following me ( - (btw, it took extreme effort on my part not to have 'callistasteeletwit' as my username - I got it for a class)) So here's the list:

This was the last week of school for me, so I had actual studying going on, but the big project was the actual performance of that play I mentioned last time I blogged. We (the class, I mean) were in East Repertory Theater (an actual stage! which I've never been on before~!), and despite all of my nerves (and completely forgetting my lines in previous rehearsals), everyone's nerves, the night went really, really well. I think it helped that I could barely see the audience cause of the lighting :D. So fun!!!! Man, I can't wait for a chance to go at that again.

So not only did I have that going on (last Thursday night), I had a History final, a Java final, a Java project (which, sadly, got turned in partly done), and a C final, I picked up three jobs this week. Two transcriptions on Fiverr, both YouTube videos - I learned about motorcycles and website promotion - and a request for 2 books on Etsy. One of those transcriptions, I didn't actually get it done until just a few hours before the deadline. I haven't done that since the first one, and I didn't really know what I was doing when I did that one!

On another note, I gave into an urge to get more paper, something I've been looking at for awhile. Check it out!

It's fuzzy!!!! Anyway, though this one's girly, the rest of the book has got plenty of non-fuzzy, non-girly paper. Finally I have paper that's more appropriate for guys rather than just being, 'eh, that's kinda gender-neutral'. It's something that's been bugging me. Anyway, I've been wanting this black/grey and white fuzzy paper for awhile. Plus it's nice and thick, and folds really easily - no cracks.

Seeing as I'm back onto my Etsy store, I'll run through some updates that I've got planned. Matchbook notebooks, crocheted circular swirly, fuzzy coasters, crocheted earrings (that one's going to take a bit of work, still), and a business card - when I figure out how, I'll put a picture of that up here. Of course, I'm not going to get to much of these until after the Christmas craziness is over.

Yeesh, long post, huh? That's what I get for not posting for a long time.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Jobs, School, and Ancestors

I said in my last post that my next one might be closer to Christmas, but, hey, I've got a few minutes 'fore running off to school, so I thought I'd celebrate a bit!

I've gotten a few more etsy notebook orders (glitter, I love shiny paper!), few more transcription jobs offa fiverr, and one from 7freelance. So, that makes... almost 3 and a half hours of audio.

I'd show you a picture of that particular book I'm talking about, with the glitter, but I can't find it :(.

One of my school classes, a theatre class, I wrote a solo show for and will be presenting it early december. Cool, no? It's about my great-great grandmother's trip to America from Bohemia - and on a side note, it's amazing what you can learn by just typing things into Google. Her name's Frances March Caeser (isn't that name just awesome?), Bohemia was going through a long-time famine and drought during the time she left (1879), and most likely she came through Castle Garden port in New York (Ellis Island hadn't been set up at that point).

S'anyways :D

Monday, October 11, 2010

fiverr, journals, and school

Wow, another fiverr job and another journal job!!!

(And, side note, I think school wants to eat me. At least it's giving it a go.)

The fiverr job was a really short job, and I finished it over the weekend. Funny thing about it - I mentioned it up on my Twitter, and then shortly after that I get a follower. In general, followers make my happy (hint, hint), but this one was connected to (what's the right word, with this stuff? I'm still new, in some ways, with this whole 'social networking' stuff) a freelancing website. Works a lot like fiverr, except the price is at $7 for a job.

So I've put up a couple of jobs, and when life is less crazy I'll put more up. (So, sometime around Christmas :| )

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So just a quick one, cause it's too early to say much -

I finally got an order off of Fiverr! Funny, I put up a widget on this site about it, and next thing I know, I got a hit. Probably doesn't have anything to do with it, but I think it'd be amusing if it did.

It was a transcription job, and the person was really nice, and easy to work with, and - what I'm assuming was - the Aussie accent was cool to listen too. It's been awhile since I've heard an accent besides my own.

Plus I got another journal order :D!

New topic: the other day, I made crescent rolls, some with chocolate inside em, off a copycat recipe of the Pillsbury ones. I've made them before, but this time I used xylitol sugar and maltitol-sweetened chocolate chips. They came out awesome (so, just the same as using regular sugar). Although with these, I didn't place the sugar into the hot/warm water-yeast mix. Something I need to find out is, whether xylitol sugar is eaten by yeast.

(Yeast is weird stuff)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bumbling Busy Bees

(I blame the absurbed title on life being hecting. And not writing enough poetry lately.)

Blarg, I've been exhausted recently. I've got two small jobs (one's temporary), school, etsy (at which I've gotten yet another order - squee!), ebay ( - lookie! I'm wool_ranch there too!), and a dozen other things on my to-do list. Currently most of that's my future to-do list, but still, it's there for me to do. I mentioned blujay a couple posts back, which hasn't gotten me any orders, but still! Doin' stuff!

I really want to do more crocheted stuff, so I'm working on a afghan rag - using my own design. It's for myself, because I'm way to slow at crocheting to make it worth my while to do make 'em for customers :(. For the most part, cause I'm so busy, I'm just working on it a little bit every day or so (or at least, I mean to every day) to help myself relax. It's a little frustrating to not be able to do everything I'd like to (review my physics - yes, that's cool to some people - write my stories, etc), but sometime tiny like that's nice. At some point, I'll take a picture and put it up here, or over on twitter - which I'll update after this (promise!).

Anyway, most of that up there's my excuse for not posting lately - school and stuff keeps chasing blogging out of my mind. I don't mind being busy, I kinda like it actually, but too much of it and I get stressed. So things go on the backburners. (I think I have a dozen of those - sorta a requirement for writers, anyway).

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

School stuff

Whoo, was the last time I was on here really the last day of school? Seems like it's been longer. I'd thought I'd momentarily celebrate getting all the classes I wanted (whee!) and have a moment about driving down to Valencia 4 days a week (bummer ;(... that's a teardrop, btw).

I'm taking two computer science classes - C and Java - an acting class - solo performance - and a history class - women in american history.

I have to admit that I had mixed feelings about that history class. I'm not a feminist, I'm not particularly into 'girl power' and whatever else is going on (I do have a physics degree, I intend to have a career, and I'm not looking to marry. But that's it.). Oddly enough, though I've got a male teaching the class, and not only does he have a sense of humor, he simply says what people have done (or not done) throughout history, and encourages us to think about it. Like about how the American Indians had slaves, and sold them to the Europeans, and the same in Africa - no one's blameless. I like that viewpoint on history - just stating the facts, sorting out who did what, and then - only then - considering the 'why'. Apparently he had to try out several different times and places to be able to teach women's history - the women interviewing him had a hard time imagining a male teaching that. (But, then, they'll teach men's history - how's that for sexism?)

Monday, August 23, 2010


Here's the promised pics!

Ain't they pretty? I like 'em, anyway. They just went into the mail this morning.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Just a quick update.

I don't have the pictures for those nautical books yet, but they're made and ready-to-ship! Plus I got another order, Christmas ones this time, and the possibility of a third!

I've got an ebay site - have I mentioned that yet? - and pretty soon I'll be putting up wool, mostly raw, and 'vintage'-type items. Things like Look magazines, Hit Songs magazines, oil filters, and an old, unused Barbie doll. I'm also poking around on the 'net for other venues to sell my stuff on - the more I'm seen, the more I'll sell, right? (Hopefully, anyway)

Here's one that I found so far:

Let you know if it works!

Monday, August 16, 2010

So, it's been awhile. Hey!

Last time I was on the social web I was on twitter, where I mentioned that I had an international job on Etsy. In Switzerland. That was cool, btw, and was shipped a little bit ago. It was another project that I had to print onto the front (which is why a pic won't be posted here - it was a pic of someone's face) and I had to print on the actual pages of the book! Whee! It was only 8 pages, but hey, fun.

And (while I'm at it) I got another order for a regular journal (done with a Victorian-vintage cover) and an open notepad with printing on the top flap. Open notepads, btw, are 3x4 inch pads with only a 1-inch flap at the top, and I intend for the flap to be printed on.

Did I ever describe my notebooks? The regular ones are 8x5.5 inches with 32 pages, cut and bound by myself.

Right now, I'm working on yet another order, this one for 3 nautical notebooks, regular size. I'm looking for the 3rd cover this week - it's hard to find cover paper I'm happy with, especially for such a specific project like this! But hey, once its made I'll take a pic to show ya'll and ship it off.

Yah! Booming business!

Here's a pic of the Victorian book - ain't it cute? It's got glitter and everything. My favorite book to-date.

Monday, July 5, 2010


First - homefront.

I finished that etsy project, so here's the promised pic.

Ain't they cute? :) They're a quarter-inch thick (really thick, actually - the forty had to be flattened under a couple of dictionaries), and about 3.5 x 4. I like 'em, anyway, and they were fun to make.

Else Etsy-wise, I'm working on a new bag design, and have four coasters to cross-stitch. The coasters are a bit of a new thing, but I made up the design for the edging myself. I'm also trying to create an avatar (emphasis on trying. I think I might be graphically-challenged.)

I've also started looking more seriously at freelancing jobs, specifically in the writing area, since I've had no luck whatsoever getting a job in the 'real' world. Hopefully this pans out :D.

So now - Indigo.

I actually had to look up this color - it's not one I think about. In the visible spectrum, it's between blue and purple, was defined as a spectral color (one of the rainbow colors) by Issac Newton, and got its name from the indigo plant used to dye cloths. Primary Example: Blue Jeans. Although today, the dye is made synthetically. It's fairly popular, and isn't known for being dangerous (ancient or modern times. Important, no?)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Blue and Etsy

Funny, that title sounds cleverer than it really is. Anyway, exciting news first.

I've made an Etsy sale! S'cool. Someone wants 40 small notebooks (smaller than what I've got up for sale) with their clip art, so I'm working on that now. They're pretty cute - once they're finished I'll put up one, for an example.

Part of how Etsy works is through something called Alchemy - which is where this order comes from. Buyers make a request for a particular item at a particular, then a seller comes along, goes "Hey, I can make this," and makes a bid to make the item within a particular amount of time for a particular amount of money. Weee! I got picked for one! (Thanks so much, btw!)

So - blue. Here goes.

Sky, scarf, ruler, cd-holder, book covers (Hardy boys, Nancy Drew, Winnie-the-Pooh), notebook, shorts, atlas, C++ books, stickers, picture of Neptune, cereal bowl, bookshelf, folder, pen lid, polly pocket - that's most of what's in my room that's blue. :D

Monday, May 10, 2010


So yes, we're on green now. And the first thing that comes to mind is plants. And... I'm gonna have to skip out on the photosynthesis babble, at least for now. Sometime, I'll get back to it.

My excuses for not blogging? Well... besides all the usual home stuff, I'm taking a summer class (health science, woot!), got a small part-time job (eeee!!!!), trying to keep up with my writing, and making afghan crocheted items to sell (still testing out those waters). And fighting with the internet.


Grass, ferns, moss, basil, rosemary, thyme, and oregano.

The last four are herbs growing in our sun-window in the kitchen. They're kinda an experiment - using actual living herbs instead of dried ones bought in the store. So far, all of them except the rosemary have been used. A basil leaf, torn into small shreds, was cooked into tomato soup - delicious! And basil, thyme, and oregano were all used in making spaghetti sauce, at half the amount the recipe called for. It was a bit strong, but very good. At some point (meaning, sometime in the next month), I'm planning on trying to dry them, and also planting some garlic (sooner than the drying, since growing that takes about 5 months).

Random Factoid: Green is a highly unlucky color for cars.

Oo! And follow me! I'll feel special if you do... maybe update more often...

By the way.... Check 'em out!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Delays ahead... And the enviroment

So, yah, it's been awhile since I posted (or, at least, it feels like it). But I'm not stopping!

School's been a bit hectic, not to mention my ebay stuff keeps me busy when I am at home. Finals are coming up soon, so it's not likely to get any better. On the blogfront, though, I'll be doing the color green next (in which I'm gonna get to geek out about photosynthesis and stuff. Whee!!!)

So as soon as things slow down in school a bit, I'll put up my green post. Doesn't that sound enviroment-ish? Though I don't really know how it could be much else... blogging doesn't use paper. It does use electricity, though. Can't say I know how green/eco/enviromentally-friendly that is, but I don't think it's too bad.

Anyway, I think I'll be back in a week...? Or maybe a bit more. :D

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Yellow; Colors


It's the color of the sun (which, technically, is a white dwarf), adorns many birds (among them, the sun conure), and is the color of many flowers. Also, it's one of two of Beach Bot's team colors. :D

According to Egyptian mythology, the color yellow is associated with gold, the sun, and indestructibility. Many flowers share this symbolism, such as tulips. Others have an unpleasant meaning. A yellow rose carries the message of infidelity.

At some point, I intend to sort out where these 'meanings' come from. Such as, why is a yellow rose infidelity, or the chrysanthemum associated with death in Italy? (The yellow chrysanthemum, in particular, is associated with slighted love.) Especially given that the chrysanthemum is November's flower. I love myths, and legends, and superstitions, though I don't believe any of them, but I'm more interested in where they come from.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Bat!

The other day at school (last Monday), I was walking along the third-story balcony on my way to class when I saw a bat. Seeing bats isn't all that unusual, but it was only about 5:54, and the sun was up. Poor thing was so disorientated, what with being trapped in a circular balcony, and constantly wandering into the little niches that're all around there. It finally found its way to the top and flew off.

I tried to find out what species it might have been (and maybe a picture of that one), but I'm afraid Google's failed me. I did find that its scientific name is Chiroptera. This particular one was very small, with a body of about 2 inches long and a wingspan of maybe 4-6 inches. It might not have been a full-grown one, even.

"Bats in the belfry": A phrase meaning to behave in a bizarre way.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Colors: Orange - a delayed post

...and I fail already. 'Cause this was supposed to go up yesterday. Oh well, maybe I'll put up two today!

I changed my mind about the random colors - I'm going to go with the colors of the rainbow (ROY G BIV). So this post's color is orange.

There being a lack of actual orange items in my current location, I instead typed orange into the searchbox and see what that came up with.

The fruit orange actually originated in Southeast Asia, the latin name for the sweet orange is Citrus Sinensis, and there apparently are four varieties.

The color orange is inbetween red and yellow on the spectrum, its opposite color is azure (a color between blue and green), and is in the visible spectrum with a wavelength of 585-620 nanometers.

It's the national color of the Netherland royalty, is used for road signs because of its contrast to the blue sky, and doesn't rhyme with anything in the English language. It's one of 5,411 words that doesn't (single-syllable words only - makes you wonder about the multi-syllabic ones).

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Seeing has I haven't said much here lately, I thought I'd try this crazy idea that popped into my head a couple weeks ago. I'll pick a color - in this case, Red, and over the next week (until Wednesday) record everything I notice as red, and any stories or random factoids about the color that I collect.

Here's a start:

Red: checkered tablecloth, popcorn-maker machine, Lay's logo, pottery mug, poinsettia leaves, squirt bottle handle, paper flowers, glass rose.

The poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima, actually hales from Mexico, and the colorful leaves were used as dye and to make medicine. There is a myth that the plant is poisonous, but unless you happen to be allergic to latex, there's no ill effects from keeping this plant in your house (and even though, just don't go around touching the leaves).

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I thought I'd try this - I have a twitter account, and I wanted to try posting it here...

Not that there's much on it, but I've got one for class, and I'm going to be trying a couple of different things with it.

Follow callistasteele on Twitter

Monday, January 11, 2010

Saltwater Fish

I love fish - live ones :) - especially the colorful ones, such as saltwater fish. It's rather amusing, however, that so many will eat each other. A fairy basslet (latin, gramma loreta), for instance, is three inches long and half purple and half yellow. Part of its diet is 'crustacean flesh' - so, snails, crabs, and other like critters are likely to be eaten in an aquarium. Actually, a rule of thumb for these animals is 'if one can fit into the second's mouth, it will probably end up there'. Certain fish, like eels, surgeonfish, and puffers have a tendency to only put up with their own species. Good thing the ocean's so big, mmh?