Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Life, School, and Summer

Only three more weeks of school!!!

...though you wouldn't know that by the amount of work left. Three monologues (so I'm assuming from the email I got, anyway), 3 programs (2 in java, 1 in C++), 1 quiz, and 3 upcoming finals (at least, and I might have a fourth).

It's funny, though, even when school ends my life won't get any less busy. M' summer plans including making a manual for my family's property (it's extensive, trust me), creating a recipe book for myself and my siblings using our favorite ones from over the years, reviewing all my CS stuff (wouldn't want to forget that, after all the effort I've put into that) and my Physics (WEEE!), writing one book (or thirty poems, does that substitute well?), working outside the house (housework and watering plants), and working inside the house (actually creating those crochet items 'stead of just planning them, selling stuff on Ebay (emphasis on 'stuff), and transcribing full-time).

Incidentally, anyone who reads through that paragraph deserves a gold star. Not one of my best, I don't think. But it does get across that I'll be busy busy busy.

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