Couple pieces of exciting news:
Re-opened my Etsy store!
Nanowrimo's started!
I'm currently at just over 7,000 words out of 50,000. For those of you who don't know, NaNoWriMo is a challange in which one writes 50,000 words during the month of November (hence, National Novel Writing Month). In theory, writers work on one story that stars with nothing more than an idea, or - perhaps - some planing and plotting that was worked out in the months or so before. The original challenge (about 20 years ago) said that writers had to be working on a totally new project (it also had a different word count goal).
In practice, a lot of people use this to work on stories that they've already started. Some of them use this time to do something else entirely - it's called being a NaNo Rebel. I'm working on a few projects, but the primary one is one that I've mentioned before on my blog during Camp WriMo's - small mini (or not so mini) challenges where you pick your end goal, whether words or hours. It's a fantasy story with a humorous element where the narrator has gone missing, and the main characters - including the villain - are left on their own to write the story.
The biggest idea for Nanowrimo is NO EDITING. Wrote a scene you don't like? A) Why are you re-reading? This isn't the time for that, and B) Re-write it - but don't delete it. Both versions will go towards your total word count! Afterwards, when you're editing your novel (hopefully with the end goal of publishing) you can take your pick of the versions, or even create a new one.
Nano starts on November first (midnight), any get-togethers naturally
start on Halloween, so, yay! - excuse for costumes! Here’s a
picture of what I wore:
celebration of starting another Nano month, I’m doing a promotion
of my book Glimpses
Amazon – from today through November 8, download it free! (See
sidebar for a link.) And leave me a review! :)
other news, and adding to the crazy business of my life this past
week, I was asked to make some
cakes for my church’s seventh
anniversary (and the 500th
anniversary of the Reformation, when Martin Luther posted the
infamous ninety-five thesis’s). Specifically, I was asked to make
cake for 250 people, which is a lot of cake. Plus they were also
having other deserts at the picnic, so I ended up making cake for
only 200 people. Here’s the results:

out nice, I think. The frosting is a type of whip cream (so no
having to spend forever trying to smooth the frosting out) and on the
sides of the rectangle cakes, I pressed on rock candy pieces.
was going to place little swirls of the frosting on the top of the
sides of the cakes, but apparently thirty-three cups of frosting only
just covers five cakes. :)
my last bit of exciting news, my Etsy store ( re-opened on October
Here’s a sample of some of my items up for sale (as well as what you can see in the sidebar):

what I’ve been selling for years (books, bookmarks, crocheted
items, earrings) I’m including items made with my embroidery
machine and bead loom. I’ll explain the last in more detail next
time. :)
Count: 7,414/50,000
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