Monday, August 23, 2010


Here's the promised pics!

Ain't they pretty? I like 'em, anyway. They just went into the mail this morning.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Just a quick update.

I don't have the pictures for those nautical books yet, but they're made and ready-to-ship! Plus I got another order, Christmas ones this time, and the possibility of a third!

I've got an ebay site - have I mentioned that yet? - and pretty soon I'll be putting up wool, mostly raw, and 'vintage'-type items. Things like Look magazines, Hit Songs magazines, oil filters, and an old, unused Barbie doll. I'm also poking around on the 'net for other venues to sell my stuff on - the more I'm seen, the more I'll sell, right? (Hopefully, anyway)

Here's one that I found so far:

Let you know if it works!

Monday, August 16, 2010

So, it's been awhile. Hey!

Last time I was on the social web I was on twitter, where I mentioned that I had an international job on Etsy. In Switzerland. That was cool, btw, and was shipped a little bit ago. It was another project that I had to print onto the front (which is why a pic won't be posted here - it was a pic of someone's face) and I had to print on the actual pages of the book! Whee! It was only 8 pages, but hey, fun.

And (while I'm at it) I got another order for a regular journal (done with a Victorian-vintage cover) and an open notepad with printing on the top flap. Open notepads, btw, are 3x4 inch pads with only a 1-inch flap at the top, and I intend for the flap to be printed on.

Did I ever describe my notebooks? The regular ones are 8x5.5 inches with 32 pages, cut and bound by myself.

Right now, I'm working on yet another order, this one for 3 nautical notebooks, regular size. I'm looking for the 3rd cover this week - it's hard to find cover paper I'm happy with, especially for such a specific project like this! But hey, once its made I'll take a pic to show ya'll and ship it off.

Yah! Booming business!

Here's a pic of the Victorian book - ain't it cute? It's got glitter and everything. My favorite book to-date.