I finished that etsy project, so here's the promised pic.
Ain't they cute? :) They're a quarter-inch thick (really thick, actually - the forty had to be flattened under a couple of dictionaries), and about 3.5 x 4. I like 'em, anyway, and they were fun to make.
Else Etsy-wise, I'm working on a new bag design, and have four coasters to cross-stitch. The coasters are a bit of a new thing, but I made up the design for the edging myself. I'm also trying to create an avatar (emphasis on trying. I think I might be graphically-challenged.)
I've also started looking more seriously at freelancing jobs, specifically in the writing area, since I've had no luck whatsoever getting a job in the 'real' world. Hopefully this pans out :D.
So now - Indigo.
I actually had to look up this color - it's not one I think about. In the visible spectrum, it's between blue and purple, was defined as a spectral color (one of the rainbow colors) by Issac Newton, and got its name from the indigo plant used to dye cloths. Primary Example: Blue Jeans. Although today, the dye is made synthetically. It's fairly popular, and isn't known for being dangerous (ancient or modern times. Important, no?)